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Visual/Audio Stimulation System for fMRI


Synchronization System

In psychological experiments, it’s a basic function to record the subject’s response parameters such as response time and response correction rate. Conducting similar psychological experiments using fMRI also requires response recording. Further more, in fMRI experiments, it’s important to synchronize stimulation presentation and MRI scanning.
To record the response data, SAMRTEC provides a key-pressing response device and a MRI compatible optic-electrical keyboard. To realize synchronization of stimulation presentation and MRI scanning, SAMRTEC provides a feedback device to convert the MRI synchronizing pulse to correspondent ACSII code and then transfer the codes to the computer.
During MRI scanning, the scanner will periodically transmit an electronic or optical pulse signal. This pulse signal can then be converted to ASCII code by the feedback device, and then transferred as input to computer via USB. With stimulation control software such as E-Prime, the ASCII code can be set as the synchronization signal to trigger the stimulation program with a delay less than 0.5ms.

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